Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hey All,

This month has certainly been a challenge. Between trying to stay focused on writing the portfolio, studying for the GRE, and watching Criterion Collection Films, I have been busy with liesure. :)

So far, my portfolio includes:
-An expansion on "Barfly" (combined with a piece I wrote during undergrad about sleep)
-"We Sing"
-And a complete overhaul of part of a piece I also did when I was an undergrad.

This last one is proving to be one of the most challenging/enjoyable. During my undergrad fiction class, I wrote a piece that was completely overwrought. *But* it did include a parallel story that wasn't all that bad. So I took one of the parallel story sections and started expanding and editing it. But it was going nowhere: the further I got length-wise, the further I felt I was going from my Main Character. I kept on forcing it and was getting frustrated.

But the other day, at random, I picked up "Snow Falling on the Cedars" by David Guterson. Within the first two pages of his technically sound prose, it hit me. I needed to write the story in third person. Reader, it has been such a freeing experience to write in Omniscient Third POV. Granted, I'll probably tighten it up later so it falls in closer to my MC, but for now, its one of those experiences where I actually enjoy the free and easy writing.

I still have a lot of work to do, and in the next few days I will be mailing my first draft of my portfolio off to former teachers, advisors, and friends for edits and critiques. I hate to say it, but a deadline is a great motivator.

Be well,


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Keep it nice. I like constructive criticism, though. Anything racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic or misogynist will not be posted. Duh.