Friday, May 6, 2011

Prompt Ideas?

I'm trying to throw around some prompt ideas for my next piece. I tried writing one based off of "You find a roll of film surreptitiously" and it just didn't work. "Atonement" is based off "write about a person who's reputation is based on an inanimate object." Clearly, I use the wiggle room of interpretation. I'm off to scour my prompt books, but in the meantime, to the two people who look at this site, do you have any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. There are two I'm thinking of. One involves pictures almost like your roll of film prompt but is more like "you are shown photo albums by his mom on a first date". The second is more abstract; "write about the three most naturally beautiful things in life". Although descriptive, it may prove a challenge to discover the three most truly beautiful. That's all I have for now.


Keep it nice. I like constructive criticism, though. Anything racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic or misogynist will not be posted. Duh.